It was nine in the afternoon and unbearably hot. Pears of sweat started forming on his forehead. He was anxious because thirty minutes from now he will be standing on a stage in front of hundreds of people.
Nervously he was rocking back and forth on his chair, playing with his necklace. He lifted the silver necklace off his chest and slightly brushed his lips over it. He could feel the warmth of the metal spread through his body. The necklace had a silver cross on it with a ruby stone attached. It was his lucky charm. Not one day went by without him wearing it. What made his necklace so special was the fact that it had been a present; a present from his best friend. She gave it to him right before she got taken away. It was all he had left of her. That, and her dream for him to become famous. He has always been an amazing singer and all of the years they were friends she fantasized about him making it to the top. He never thought it possible, but now he sat in the dressing room behind the stage, waiting to perform in front of the biggest crowd ever.
He was nervous. No, he was terrified. His legs were shaking and he could barely sit still. But then, as his fingers softly stroked over the rough surface of the necklace, he knew what he had to do. With a deep breath he got up and walked out the door to the stage. As he stepped onto the stage and looked into the hundreds of cheering faces, he knew that she had always been right. With this in his mind, he put all of his energy together, singing all of his pain and anger out, silently dedicating the song to his one true best friend.
Nervously he was rocking back and forth on his chair, playing with his necklace. He lifted the silver necklace off his chest and slightly brushed his lips over it. He could feel the warmth of the metal spread through his body. The necklace had a silver cross on it with a ruby stone attached. It was his lucky charm. Not one day went by without him wearing it. What made his necklace so special was the fact that it had been a present; a present from his best friend. She gave it to him right before she got taken away. It was all he had left of her. That, and her dream for him to become famous. He has always been an amazing singer and all of the years they were friends she fantasized about him making it to the top. He never thought it possible, but now he sat in the dressing room behind the stage, waiting to perform in front of the biggest crowd ever.
He was nervous. No, he was terrified. His legs were shaking and he could barely sit still. But then, as his fingers softly stroked over the rough surface of the necklace, he knew what he had to do. With a deep breath he got up and walked out the door to the stage. As he stepped onto the stage and looked into the hundreds of cheering faces, he knew that she had always been right. With this in his mind, he put all of his energy together, singing all of his pain and anger out, silently dedicating the song to his one true best friend.
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